Bizen Flower vase

Bizen Flower vase
Bizen Flower vase
Bizen Flower vase

Height 27.5 cm, mouth diameter 14.1 cm, body diameter 14.5 cm, bottom diameter 11.0 x 12.3 cm
 The mouth of the ubaguchi-style vessel is made wide, the body is tightened, and the hem of the body is swollen again, creating a unique appearance. The sesame seed glaze is applied brilliantly from the mouth to one side of the body, with the broken part of the glaze darkening to black and the rest of the body tightening to a reddish burnished finish. Two flat spatula lines have been placed vertically on the body, and the entire piece is slightly distorted, which adds a touch of elegance to the ware. A kiln mark is engraved on the inside and on the bottom. There are marks on the front and back of the mouth where holes have been filled in.

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