Iga Flower vase with two handles, known as “Hongan-ji”

Iga Flower vase with two handles, known as "Hongan-ji"
Iga Flower vase with two handles, known as "Hongan-ji"
Iga Flower vase with two handles, known as “Hongan-ji”

Height 27.8 cm, mouth diameter 11.7 cm, body diameter 13.1 cm, bottom diameter 12.5 cm
 On the reverse side of the lid of the period box, the author is unknown, but the inscription reads, “There are two sides and no male and female, hence the name Hongan-ji,” acknowledging the excellence of both the front and back as a flower vase. The body is open to the outside, with four rows of stripes around the neck and square ears on either side. One side of the hem of the body is gently stretched. The hem is covered with horizontal spatula and the back is strongly uneven with sharp vertical spatula. The front surface is covered with a thick beadlo glaze, and the area around the hem has a black burnished surface. It is one of the outstanding examples among Ko-Iga vases. The holes on the front and back have been filled in.

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