Iga Cylindrical flower vase, known as “Rashō-mon”

Iga Cylindrical flower vase, known as "Rashō-mon"
Iga Cylindrical flower vase, known as "Rashō-mon"
Iga Cylindrical flower vase, known as “Rashō-mon”

Height: 27.3 cm, Bore: 14.5-15.0 cm, Body: 12.2 x 13.9 cm, Bottom: 11.8 cm
 This vase is similar in style to the “Ikume” vase owned by Oribe, and is also similar to a vase said to have belonged to Rikyu. The cylindrical mouth is open and distorted, with two deep stripes on the breast. On one side, the beadlo glaze is heavily covered with ash, which has turned the surface charred, and the back of the vase is reddish brown. Most Iga ware vases seem to have been used as hanging vases, and most of the holes that were originally drilled have been filled in. This vase also has marks on the front and back where the holes were filled in. It is a masterpiece of strong workmanship.

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