Iga Water jar with two handles, Mino ware, Iga type

Iga Water jar with two handles, Mino ware, Iga type
Iga Water jar with two handles, Mino ware, Iga type
Iga Water jar with two handles, Mino ware, Iga type

Height 19.4cm, Bore 12.1cm x 12.9cm, Left and right sides 21.0cm, Bottom diameter 21.2cm
 This is a representative Mino Iga sui-jar, and its style is almost identical to that of the Iga style. However, it does not have a beadlo glaze. Instead, feldspar glaze is poured in several places, including the sides, and iron glaze is again poured randomly from the shoulder to the bottom, creating a unique scene. The solid form is outstanding among Mino Iga vessels. The bottom of the bowl has a threaded bottom and the kiln mark is carved in spatula.

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