Height 7.9 cm, mouth diameter 25.5 cm, high base diameter 13.7 cm
 This is a deep bowl with a high rise and a high base. The edge of the bowl is curved to form a ring flower shape, and a spiral pattern is applied on the prospective side. The shape of this bowl is unique in the Ko-Kutani style, and the design on the front is also unique in composition. The design on the lower part of the front is a whorl pattern with chrysanthemum and plum bowls in white or dark blue dots, above which are a Taiko stone and peonies on the right, an iris on the left, and two birds in the center. The iris and peonies are somewhat less powerful than those of earlier works, but they show the color tones typical of Ko-kutani style color painting. On the reverse side, a three-sided vine and weed design is depicted in underglaze blue from the base to the mouth, and the high base has double-petaled valves facing downward. An inscription is written in the center of the base in a double square, but the characters are difficult to read.