Ninsei: water dropper (for inkstone) in the shape of a Chinese baby,enamelled ware

Ninsei: water dropper (for inkstone) in the shape of a Chinese baby,enamelled ware
Ninsei: water dropper (for inkstone) in the shape of a Chinese baby,enamelled ware
Ninsei: water dropper (for inkstone) in the shape of a Chinese baby,enamelled ware

Height 6.5cm, left and right 9.3cm
Hatakeyama Memorial Museum
 Water droplets by Ninsei are rare. It is a water droplet of a Chinese child using a gourd as a pillow, with the gourd’s mouth as a spout. The head, gourd, and shoes are painted with rust, and the face and clothes are glazed with white glaze mixed with mottled u (rabbit), overlaid with gold, red, blue, and light purple. The bottom is stamped with a small seal of Ninsei.

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