Kōrin & Kenzan: square brazier with design of landscape and buildings,iron brown under glaze

Kōrin & Kenzan: square brazier with design of landscape and buildings,iron brown under glaze
Kōrin & Kenzan: square brazier with design of landscape and buildings,iron brown under glaze
Kōrin & Kenzan: square brazier with design of landscape and buildings,iron brown under glaze

Height 5.3cm, Bore 5.3cm x 6.8cm, Four legs
Daiwa Bunkakan
 This rectangular vessel, probably made as an incense box, is a unique example of a three-tiered body covered with a lid. The four sides are decorated with budding willow trees, and the lid is inscribed on the back with a poem and inscription, “Flowers flying in jade grooves, leaves in leaves, smoke from the palace of the Qianshan Shoukousai, calligraphy of the deep ministry,” and on the outer base, “Made in the year Shoutoku” is inscribed on a white laminated base.
 The body and lid are covered with transparent glaze inside and out. It is not a collaboration with Korin, and the painting seems to be by Kenzan. A similar willow tree is also painted on the paper, in sumie (sumi-e) and iron-work, and on some mukozuke (underglaze blue).

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