Mokubei: bamboo-shaped futa-oki (kettle-lid rest for use in tea cere-mony) in the style of shonzui ware

Mokubei: bamboo-shaped futa-oki (kettle-lid rest for use in tea cere-mony) in the style of shonzui ware
Mokubei: bamboo-shaped futa-oki (kettle-lid rest for use in tea cere-mony) in the style of shonzui ware
Mokubei: bamboo-shaped futa-oki (kettle-lid rest for use in tea cere-mony) in the style of shonzui ware

Height 5.1cm, Diameter 4.7cm
This lid rest is shaped like a bamboo stalk, and has a design of auspicious circles on the body, with the words “Koki Kanzo” (meaning “appreciating old vessels”) in underglaze blue on the inside.

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