Iga flower vase with ears.
Important Cultural Property
Height: 28.3 cm, Bore: 9.5 x 10.6 cm, Bottom: 12.0 cm
This vase is unique among Iga ware vessels. The body is slightly overhung, with two deep indentations on the front, and the center of the body protrudes strongly forward. The overall shape is slightly flattened, with an oval mouth and long, thin ears on the upper left and right sides. The body is bent forward in an arched shape, which gives the vessel a strong appearance. The heavily ash-covered surface creates a truly vivid scene, especially the grass-green beadwork on the right side of the front. The bottom of the bowl is burnt black from the front to the back, and the clay skin has a light brown color.
A black iron-colored material runs from the bottom to the hem, and beadlo material also runs down the flat bottom, forming a puddle of material that has stuck to it.
It is also one of the five excellent Iga vases in Tokyo called “Higashi Gonin Otoko” (five men of the east).