Oribegutsu (shoes)

Oribegutsu (shoes)
Oribegutsu (shoes)
Oribegutsu (shoes)

Specialty. Kokyu ware of a tea bowl, Oribe. The exterior is covered with a pure black glaze over a white glaze like a curtain, and on one side of the shoe shape there is a roughly drawn area like a roughly drawn area. The production is eccentric, and the workmanship is almost the same as that of Goshomaru Kurohake. There is a hanaoshi (seal) by Furuta Oribe on the high pedestal. According to the inscription on the box, it was a gift from Oribe to his tea master Mizoguchi Hokkimori. It was probably made by Oribe’s devotion to his work. (Taisho Meikikan)

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