Kuchiki Hakuan

Kuchiki Hakuan
Kuchiki Hakuan
Kuchiki Hakuan

Chungking specialty. Hakuan tea bowl. This bowl is so named because it was inherited from the Kuchiki family. It is large and thin, with a slightly warped mouth rim and a shiny yellow glaze on the outside. The inside has a beautiful loquat color with a white rat pattern in loquat color, and the wheel is irregularly turned on the prospective side. Although almost the same style as other Hakuan tea bowls, the external sea squirt glaze is broad enough to be seen, and other than a few small cracks, this tea bowl is generally free of any other characteristics. Originally owned by Iyomori Kuchiki, it passed through Fukae Shozaemon, Hachimonjiya Hikosaburo, the Mitsui family of Kyoto, Ihei Konoike of Osaka, and Rogin Toda, and then went to the Fujita family of Osaka. It is currently in the collection of the Fujita Museum of Art. (Kokin Meibutsu Ruiju, Senke Chukyo Meibutsu, Taisho Meikikan)

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