Kohagi (old Hagi)

Kohagi (old Hagi)
Kohagi (old Hagi)
Kohagi (old Hagi)

This term refers to early Hagi ware. The origin of Hagi ware is said to date from the Eisho period (1504-21), but this is not clear. After the Bunroku era (1592-4), Yi Kei, who followed Mori Terumoto, is said to have been a potter from Weitong, Korea. He opened a kiln in Matsumoto, Higashi-bun Village, Tsubaki-go, Abugun and produced Weitong-style tea bowls and other items, which are said to be more robust in style than later Hagi ware. According to the record, Yi Kei changed his name to Koraizaemon in 1625 and died in 1643, so it is believed that the so-called Kohagi ware dates from that time.

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