Yamanoha (Mountain Edge)

Yamanoha (Mountain Edge)
Yamanoha (Mountain Edge)
Yamanoha (Mountain Edge)

This Shino ware tea bowl is named after a poem by Imaue Goshu in the Tamayoshu, “May rain will clear away and the clouds over the edge of the mountain will become thin. The body is low, with a tortoiseshell pattern and a hinokigaki pattern in white glaze on the exterior, a white Ajiro pattern on the prospective surface, and a hole around the base, which is characteristic of Shino. The overall appearance of blue rat glaze is a feature that distinguishes this bowl from other Shino tea bowls. In the collection of Kaichiro Nezu’s family. The origin of this bowl is unknown. Currently in the collection of the Nezu Museum. (Taisho Meikikan)

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