lizaka ware : small jar.

lizaka ware : small jar.
lizaka ware : small jar.
lizaka ware : small jar.

Excavated from Bishamondaira Kiln, Iizaka-cho, Fukushima-shi, Fukushima
13th century
Height 9.1cm, Bore 7.0cm, Body 11.2cm, Bottom 6.3cm
Fukushima City Board of Education
 The Iizaka kiln still has only a few examples, so it is not clear where this small jar fits into the overall composition. However, it is highly possible that it is an oil jar, as the inner surface of the neck has a single thick chink line, making it look like a small one-sided mouth. The walls are thick and heavy for its size. The bottom is cut with a threaded bottom, and the side rims are shaped by shaving, while the vessel’s surface has been adjusted with a horizontal nadir.
 The firing was not sufficient, and it is somewhat similar to tile ware. This is a rare example of a small katakuchi jar.

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