Shino tea bowl, konwn as “Furisode”

Shino tea bowl, konwn as "Furisode"

Height 8.2 cm, mouth diameter 13.1 cm, base diameter 6.6 cm
 Tokyo National Museum
 This is a semi-tubular tea bowl with a slightly tightened body and a vertical waist. The seemingly random arrangement of the tsuke-takadai (high base) has a shiitake mushroom-like appearance when the rim is picked with the fingers, and the fine clay skin is well burnished and tightened. The body is decorated with a tortoiseshell design and a bridge-like design, which are rare for Shino. The white glaze that extends to the waist has melted well, and a reddish hue appears at the hem and mouth rim. There are three finger marks on the rim and two sticking marks on the mouth. There are two sticking marks on the mouth and an “O” mark engraved on the base. There is a large, deep, circular tea reservoir in the outlook. On the front of the lid of the inner box, there is an inscription “Furisode”.

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