Shino notch-shaped water jar with reed and mountain design

Shino notch-shaped water jar with reed and mountain design
Shino notch-shaped water jar with reed and mountain design
Shino notch-shaped water jar with reed and mountain design

Height 19.2cm, Bowl diameter 17.8cm, Bottom diameter 18.5cm
 Nezu Museum
 This slightly tapered, arrow-necked suzuji has a two-tiered carving at the base of the body, and the center of the body is also carved horizontally and vertically with a line of lines. The flat bottom is slightly raised at the center and has a looped thread cutting. The body is decorated with two ash trees and three rows of mountains with large trees on the front and back, and is flanked by arrowhead patterns. The Shino glaze, which is applied from the outside to the top of the interior, is smooth and well-melted, with fire tints appearing in the areas where the glaze is thin. The bottom half of the inner surface and the bottom of the bowl show the clay surface.

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