Seto Black tea bowl, known as “Waraya”

Seto Black tea bowl, known as "Waraya"

Height 9.7cm, mouth diameter 12.1cm, base diameter 5.2cm
 This is a large and imposing Seto black tea bowl. The mouth rim is slightly outwardly curved and gently undulating. The body is covered with fine vertical spatula, and the tight base is low and the incision within the base is shallow. The flat prospective surface has a large shallow tea reservoir with a wheel-thrown whorl in the center. The glaze is evenly applied over the entire surface. The glaze is not high in luster, but is moist and subdued, with some candy-colored areas on the inside. The grayish-white clay is fine and soft. The author of the inscription “Waraya” in vermilion lacquer on the side of the base, and the writer of the hanaoshi (flower seals), is Kakusai Haraso, the sixth generation of Omotesenke.

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