Iribe ceramic inkstone

Oribe ink slab with design of waves, chrysanthemums and water-plantains

Oribe ink slab with design of waves, chrysanthemums and water-plantains

Oribe ink slab with design of waves, chrysanthemums and water-plantains
Oribe ink slab with design of waves, chrysanthemums and water-plantains

Diameter 14.7-15.5cm
Umezawa Memorial Hall

Oribe ink slab with melon design

Oribe ink slab with melon design
Oribe ink slab with melon design

Diameter 15.4 – 16.9cm
Tokyo National Museum

 The inkstone is thick and rectangular, with an inkstone face in the center and a green glaze around the face and sides. The bottom of the inkstone is made to resemble the base of a box, and the rough edges of the carved surface are left to show the clay. Around the inkstone face, Figure 118 shows a chrysanthemum design on a blue sea wave ground, and Figure 119 shows a gourd and grapes in arabesque relief.

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