Oribe shallow bowl

Oribe shallow bowl in shape of matsukawa-bishi lozenge

Oribe shallow bowl in shape of matsukawa-bishi lozenge

Oribe shallow bowl in shape of matsukawa-bishi lozenge
Oribe shallow bowl in shape of matsukawa-bishi lozenge Mouth diameter 23.8-25.9cm

Oribe square shallow bowl

Oribe square shallow bowl
Oribe square shallow bowl Mouth diameter 23.3-23.5cm

Oribe shallow bowl

Oribe shallow bowl
Oribe shallow bowl Mouth diameter 18.2-23.8cm

Oribe shallow bowl in shape of taga-sode (clothes on rack)

Oribe shallow bowl in shape of taga-sode (clothes on rack)
Oribe shallow bowl in shape of taga-sode (clothes on rack) Mouth diameter 20.7-22.5cm

Oribe shallow bowl

Oribe shallow bowl
Oribe shallow bowl Mouth diameter 19.3-20.9cm

With the exception of the Oribe shiho-hirabachi, these flat bowls are oddly shaped, and there are very few examples of either type. The Oribe Matsubi Rhombus-shaped flat bowl has four legs on the bottom, and the Oribe Shiho-Heibachi has hanging persimmon and mamdo patterns on the sides and pierced legs. The Oribe hirabachi has legs on all four sides of the bottom, and the cloth pattern is clearly visible under the green glaze on the interior. The Oribe hirabachi has a very interesting design with a bird like swallow as an example. It has solid legs on three sides of the bottom. The last Oribe flat bowl is a rare one without green glaze, with chrysanthemum and round patterns on the prospective surface and arabesque and sawtooth patterns on the side. The sides are decorated with arabesques and sawtooth patterns. It is softly fired.

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