Oribe five mukozuke bowls in shape of fan with miscanthus designs

Oribe five mukozuke bowls in shape of fan with miscanthus designs
Oribe five mukozuke bowls in shape of fan with miscanthus designs
Oribe five mukozuke bowls in shape of fan with miscanthus designs

Height 4.8cm, Bore 14.5cm x 17.2cm, Tripod
 This is a masterpiece of fan-shaped mukozuke, showing the meticulous care taken in its molding. The bones of the fan face are shown in transparent, the left side is stepped high, and an arched leg is attached below the bones, which shows the artist’s intention to fully express the mood of a fan. Although the design of ashi (Japanese ash) is simply depicted on the front, it has a deep sense of elegance. The spread back side has low legs on two sides.

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