Bizen Tea caddy of katatsuki (angular shoulder) shape with “fire marks”. known as “Toun”

Bizen Tea caddy of katatsuki (angular shoulder) shape with “fire marks". known as "Toun"
Bizen Tea caddy of katatsuki (angular shoulder) shape with “fire marks". known as "Toun"
Bizen Tea caddy of katatsuki (angular shoulder) shape with “fire marks”. known as “Toun”

Height 7.1 cm, mouth diameter 3.4 cm, body diameter 8.0 cm, bottom diameter 4.0 cm
 According to the “Tsuda Sosho Chayu Nikki (Diary of a Tea Ceremony),” it is written that on December 2, Eiroku 9, Takeno Shingoro, a son of Shao’o, used a Bizen-mono hagashirazu, suggesting that tea caddies with a form closely imitating Karamono were still being fired from the late Muromachi period. This tea caddy does not seem to have been made during the Eiroku period, but it is a tea caddy that faithfully imitates the karamono shoulder-jointed tea caddy. The upper part of the caddy from the body up has been fired in kiln-hen with a sesame glaze over it, but the lower half of the caddy has been fired in a hidasuki color. The large size and sturdy appearance of this tea caddy shows its antiquity. The bottom of the bowl is made of a wooden plank, and a thin cord is wrapped around the body. The kiln mark is carved in shallow spatula on the bottom.

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