Bizen Pottery plaque

Bizen Pottery plaque
Bizen Pottery plaque
Bizen Pottery plaque

Height 6.5 cm, Diameter 51.5 cm
 This ceramic plate was not made as a vessel, but was probably used as a saggar lid to cover a large jar, which was used as a saggar when firing other pieces in the jar. Straw is wrapped around the pieces in the jar to prevent them from sticking together, which becomes a hidasuki (a scarlet tasuki). Various vessels were also placed on the lid and fired, resulting in red omissions. Many people have prized this type of object in recent years. Since it was probably used as a sommelier bowl lid, it is molded quite thickly, and its zangy appearance is very tasteful. It is probably the one with the most vivid scenery among this kind of ceramic plates. The kiln mark is spatula-engraved on the reverse side.

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