Sue ware: hasō.

Sue ware: hasō.
Sue ware: hasō.
Sue ware: hasō.

Excavated from Yamamura No. 4 Tumulus, Kami Ishizu-mura, Gifu 7th century.
Gifu 7th century.
Height 13.8cm, Mouth diameter 11.4cm, Body diameter 8.4cm
Laboratory of Archaeology, Nagoya University
 In the latter half of the 6th century, the neck became narrower and the mouth rim opened wide in a trumpet shape. The reason for this change is unclear, but it should be considered that the change toward the use of Sue vessels for burial in burial mounds began to appear around this time.
 The method of grinding from the body to the mouth and neck at once using the water-ground method, which had previously been done separately for the mouth and neck and joined together, was changed to the method of grinding from the body to the mouth and neck at once. The base is grayish-white with a dark green natural glaze applied from the mouth to the shoulder of the body. The whitening of the base became common around this time, probably as a result of the shift from smoked reduction firing to full-scale reduction firing.
 It is not clear whether this change in firing technique was spontaneous or due to foreign influence, but it is not unrelated to the fact that there are significant changes in the combination of vessel forms from the previous period.

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