Iga Flower vase, known as “Chōrō”

Iga Flower vase, known as "Chōrō"

Height 27.5 cm, mouth diameter 8.0 cm, left and right 19.0 cm, bottom diameter 9.0 x 13.8 cm
 This is another unexpected form. The long neck rises from the flat, boat-shaped body, which protrudes on both sides, and the mouth is stepped, as in Muromachi period vases. The flat bottom is oval, and the front is covered with a thick layer of ash from the mouth to the body, giving it a moss-like appearance, while the back has a light red burnt surface. The right half of the body has a soft, tightened clay surface with two cracks in the kiln. The top and bottom of the neck is decorated with a five-stripe comb pattern and two vertical stripes on the four sides. The inscription “Choro” probably reflects the shape of the slim neck. This is one of the oldest Iga Hanayaki vases of the Momoyama period.

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