Iga Jar
Iga Jar

Height 30.2 cm, mouth diameter 10.7 cm, body diameter 25.0 cm, bottom diameter 15.1 cm
 This is one of the most outstanding Iga ware vases probably dating from the Momoyama period.
It has a simple yet powerful appearance, with a ball-rimmed mouth, stout shoulders, and a slightly constricted base, and the bottom is carved in a low, rounded style. The bottom was carved in a low, rounded style. A thin layer of grass-green bead-glaze fell from the mouth to the hem of the body on one side, and on the other side, a streak of bead-glaze flowed over a burnished, reddish-brown surface. No other jar has such a vivid landscape. The body is thickly molded with two cracks in the kiln and the bottom has a geta bottom. This jar is famous among the sukiya.

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