Shigaraki Water jar
Shigaraki Water jar

Height: 19.0cm, Height: 16.8cm, Bore: 13.1cm, Bottom: 16.9cm
Hatakeyama Memorial Museum
 This is a representative Shigaraki water jar of the same period as the “Iso-Shimizu” and is known as a Rikyu Shigaraki water jar.
It has a unique inward-sloping mouth with a gently undulating rim, and is generally of a zigzag, apologetic style, accompanied by a flat lid with a simple cord. The back of the vessel is covered with a yellowish green glaze that extends from the mouth to the body, and the clay is browned throughout, with small and large feldspar grains appearing over the entire surface. The bottom is flat, and there are traces of sticking in two places. According to the legend, it was handed down from Rikyu to the monk Kokei, and then became a fixture of Gyokurinin, the Daitoku-ji pagoda.

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