Shigaraki Water jar of kasane-mochi (tiered large and small ovals) shape

Shigaraki Water jar of kasane-mochi (tiered large and small ovals) shape
Shigaraki Water jar of kasane-mochi (tiered large and small ovals) shape
Shigaraki Water jar of kasane-mochi (tiered large and small ovals) shape

Height 17.9 cm, mouth diameter 12.7 cm, bottom diameter 16.2 cm
 This is a water jar similar in style to the Iga heavy rice container. The sharply slanted surface on the mouth is impressive. The ash glaze is applied from the mouth to one side of the body, and the clay skin is reddish brown. The bottom of the vessel has what is called a geta bottom, probably made in the early Keicho period.

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