Wine bottle with water plantain design, enamelled ware

Wine bottle with water plantain design, enamelled ware
Wine bottle with water plantain design, enamelled ware
Wine bottle with water plantain design, enamelled ware

Height 23.4 cm, mouth diameter 4.3 cm, body diameter 14.6 cm, bottom diameter 10.2 cm
 This piece shares the same design as Figure 180, but the white-outlined “Sawa-m” on the body shows a rather large plum bowl design and a diagonal line design in the style of pine needles on the ground. This is one of the most beautiful early Imari wares of this type.
 In addition to these, the Ko-Kutani style pieces in the Dramaer Collection and the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum, which were already introduced in the “Kakiemon” volume, are thought to be among the early export colored porcelain pieces. It is not clear which of them are Kakiemon and which are Imari, but the most objective view is to consider all of them as early Imari red paintings.

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