Large deep bowl with flower-and-bird design, enamelled ware

Large deep bowl with flower-and-bird design, enamelled ware
Large deep bowl with flower-and-bird design, enamelled ware
Large deep bowl with flower-and-bird design, enamelled ware

Height 36.3cm, Bore 30.1cm, Bottom 16.5cm
MOA Museum of Art
 This large deep bowl with a lion’s lion strap on the lid is decorated with a chrysanthemum design on one side of the lid and body and a peony design on the other. The design, with branches extending to the left and right around a taiko-ishi stone with two birds in it, is typical of the Kakiemon style from the Kanbun to Genroku periods, but the colors are slightly different on each side.
 In addition to this piece, there is one other large deep bowl with a lid in the Umezawa Memorial Museum collection in Japan. In Europe, there are several pieces without lids in England and one in the Louvre Museum in France. All of them in Europe were used for interior decoration with metal fittings for bases and handles, and this deep bowl seems to have been one of them in the past. This form with a large lid was ordered from Europe, and a similar form was ordered by the Dutch East India Company from Jingdezhen, China, during the early Kangxi period.

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