Jar with flower-and-bird design, enamelled ware

Jar with flower-and-bird design, enamelled ware
Jar with flower-and-bird design, enamelled ware
Jar with flower-and-bird design, enamelled ware

Height 25.0cm
Idemitsu Museum of Arts
 Compared to the previous works, the shape of this vessel is more refined and the base is almost complete in the so-called “milky white hand” style. The painting has also become a graceful depiction of the so-called Kakiemon style. In a strict sense, it is a little risky to estimate the difference in time, but the form of this agarwood vase is better arranged than those considered to be old works. In addition, the body of this jar is divided in three directions with flower and bird motifs such as peony inside, and chrysanthemum arabesque patterns are arranged between the windows.

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