Sue ware: with stand

Sue ware: with stand
Sue ware: with stand
Sue ware: with stand

Excavated from Takakura No.1 Tumulus, Atsuta-ku, Nagoya
7th century
Height 14.8cm, mouth diameter 20.0-24.1cm, base diameter 13.2cm
Nagoya University Archaeology Laboratory
 This is one of the types of vessels newly introduced from Korea around the end of the 6th century.
 There are various types, including deep-bodied and shallow-bodied wares. Early examples had a high pedestal, but the pedestal gradually became lower, and by the late 7th century, it had degenerated to a pedestal less than 1 cm high. By the latter half of the 7th century, they had degenerated to a form with a pedestal less than 1 cm high, and by that time, they were usually accompanied by a lid with a burr. This vessel was produced together with many other Sue vessels and dates from the early 7th century. It belongs to the early period of tabletop vessels, and is characterized by its large upper body. The ware is poorly fired, and the surface is carbonized and blackened. The surface is charred and darkened. It is decorated with a comb-tooth pattern between two sunken lines, which is typical of this period.

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