Sue ware: large saddle-shaped vase

Sue ware, large saddle-shaped vase
Sue ware: large saddle-shaped vase
Sue ware: large saddle-shaped vase

Excavated from Tomb 14, Asai, Asai-cho, Ichinomiya-shi, Aichi
7th century
(Lid) Height 3.5cm, Diameter 21.8cm (Grudge) Height 11.1cm, Diameter 20.3cm
Ichinomiya City Board of Education
 This heaping vase with lid has a jeweled knob, and is probably the largest vase of this type known to date. It was buried in the back of a side cave stone chamber together with a large long-necked vase with a stand (Fig. 144), and was probably made especially for funerary purposes. It is white in hard clay with a light green natural glaze on the upper surface of the lid.

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