Sue ware: jar with stand

Sue ware, jar with stand
Sue ware: jar with stand
Sue ware: jar with stand

Excavated from Shimonoda-cho, Sabae-shi, Fukui
9th century
Height 28.5 cm, mouth diameter 12.8 cm, bottom diameter 14.5 cm
 This short-necked jar, similar in form to the Shosoin medicine jar, changed its shape from a spherical body to a vertical body in the Heian period (794-1185). In the late Heian period, it lost its base and became flat-bottomed.
 During this period, the height of the base gradually declined. In the Hokuriku region, however, the opposite phenomenon can be seen, with the height of the plateau increasing in the 9th century.
 This vase is a representative example of such Hokuriku-style short-necked vases, and is a rare outstanding piece.

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