Celadon glazed dish

Dish with shippo circle design, blue and white. partial ceiadon giaze

 Both are representative examples of celadon blue-and-white porcelain ware. Celadon blue-and-white porcelain ware is characterized by the use of terraced ground patterns, and the celadon blue-and-white porcelain dish with cloisonne enamel design and celadon blue-and-white porcelain dish with Chinese flower design are two of the most outstanding examples. The backs of both dishes are decorated with cloisonne enamel with a comb-shaped raised platform. The celadon dish with Sakuragawa design and the celadon dish with bellows design in underglaze blue have different patterns, but they share the same design trend with a wave pattern. The back of the celadon underglaze blue porcelain dish with Sakuragawa design is decorated on three sides with a single cloisonne pattern with a tie pattern, which is relatively rare, and the base is covered with a serrated lotus petal design. The shape of the vessel is taut and has an ancient style for an Okawachi ware. The celadon color is a little pale. The back of this celadon dish with bellows design in underglaze blue is a typical example with a cloisonne design and a comb-shaped base. This celadon dish with a landscape design in underglaze blue is decorated with a snowy landscape design, and the entire surface is slightly darkly tinted in underglaze blue. The reverse side is decorated with a cloisonne design and a comb-shaped raised platform. The celadon blue-and-white dish with a cast design of reeds is an excellent example of a 7″ dish with brocade over celadon blue-and-white. The brocade is applied with iron glaze over the base without glaze. The back of the dish is decorated with a cloisonne design and a comb-shaped plate base. The back is decorated on three sides with a floral arabesque design, and the base is decorated with a comb-over design. The celadon dish with an arabesque design on the reverse side is also a fine piece, but the celadon color is a little yellowish.

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