Sue ware: narrow-necked jar

Sue ware, narrow-necked jar
Sue ware: narrow-necked jar
Sue ware: narrow-necked jar

Excavated from Yokohama Ichigao Yokoana
7th century
Height 23.0cm, Mouth diameter 8.7cm, Body diameter 15.8cm x 17.3cm
Tokyo National Museum
 This so-called slender-necked vase with an oblong body and a slender mouth and neck is a new type of vase that emerged in the latter half of the 6th century, mainly in the Tokai region, as an expression of regional color. The molding method was to first make a vertical body on the potter’s wheel, cover the upper hole with a lid, then turn the body horizontally and drill a hole and attach a mouth and neck, which may have been a variant of a horizontal bottle. This is a representative example of the early period, and the firing is very good, with beautiful natural glaze running over the entire surface.

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