Sue ware: vase

Sue ware, vase
Sue ware: vase
Sue ware: vase

Excavated from Tomb 13, Asai, Ichinomiya-shi, Aichi
7th century
Height 21.4cm, Mouth diameter 7.8cm, Body diameter 13.7 x 16.0cm
Ichinomiya City Board of Education
 The body is long, similar to that of a horizontal vase, and the neck of the mouth is long and slender, but it does not have a rim band or step at the mouth rim.
 It is also unusual in that it has an annular ear on the shoulder, which suggests that it was specially made for funerary use. The clay is dense and iron-rich, and the ware is extremely well finished, with a thick brownish-green natural glaze covering half of the vessel and running down to the bottom.

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