Ninsei: mandarin-duck shaped incense caddy, enamelled ware

Ninsei: mandarin-duck shaped incense caddy, enamelled ware
Ninsei: mandarin-duck shaped incense caddy, enamelled ware
Ninsei: mandarin-duck shaped incense caddy, enamelled ware

Height 5.2cm, left and right 6.0cm
Fujita Museum of Art
 Insei left behind a variety of elegant incense containers. Many of them are small pieces, but they are all very impressive. There are several incense containers that depict mandarin ducks and mandarin ducks, but this incense container is the most outstanding one, with a sense of tension in its gorgeousness.
 The body and lid are both covered with a white cloudy glaze with fine penetrations on the outer surface, and the head and back feathers are painted in underglaze rust with red, gold, green, and blue overglaze painting. The underside of the lid and the bottom of the body are glazed in gouged lacquer, and the inside of the body is unmarked.
 According to legend, it was a favorite of the imperial prince of Yamashina Bishamondo.

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