Ninsei: tea bowl with clematis scroll design, enamelled ware

Ninsei: tea bowl with clematis scroll design, enamelled ware
Ninsei: tea bowl with clematis scroll design, enamelled ware
Ninsei: tea bowl with clematis scroll design, enamelled ware

Height 8.7cm, Bore 12.0-12.4cm, Base 5.1cm in diameter
Nezu Museum
 This is a typical Sowa’s favorite Nisei tea bowl with a tightened body and gently raised and lowered sides around the mouth. The base is carved thin, the inner surface is covered with a cloudy white glaze, the outer surface is partially covered with a cloudy white glaze, and an arabesque design of lotus flowers with iron lines is over glazed on the tightly fired surface. This is one of the most outstanding Sowa’s color painting tea bowls of this type. The left side of the bowl is stamped with the Sowa seal of Ninsei.

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