Ninsei: tea bowl with squared mouth with peony scroll design, enamelled ware

Ninsei: tea bowl with squared mouth with peony scroll design, enamelled ware
Ninsei: tea bowl with squared mouth with peony scroll design, enamelled ware
Ninsei: tea bowl with squared mouth with peony scroll design, enamelled ware

Height 8.1 cm, mouth diameter 12.1 x 12.1 cm, base diameter 5.2 cm
 The shape of this vessel is exactly the same as the previous one, but the white glaze is fired in the shape of a rabbit pattern. One side of the body is roughly decorated with peony flowers in gold and red, with leaves and branches extending to the left and right in an arabesque style. This is the first tea bowl in Insei’s color painting, and the design showing a rough peony picture is rare for a tea bowl. However, the peony design is common in Insei ceramics. The base of the bowl is carved thinly, and the Sowa seal of Ninsei is stamped on the inside of the base. On the front of the lid of the inner box, there is an inscription “Hotan-no-e Tea Bowl” in Sowa’s typical writing style.

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