Kenzan: set of dishes with different designs, underglaze brown andblue, overglaze gold

Kenzan: set of dishes with different designs, underglaze brown andblue, overglaze gold

16.0-16.5cm in diameter
Nezu Museum
 This dish is shaped as if it were earthenware, without a raised platform, and is commonly referred to as an earthenware dish. Earthenware dishes are also unique to Kenzan, and he produced a variety of large and small dishes with different patterns for the four seasons. Some are made of iron-rich clay, while others are white.
 This set of five earthenware dishes has been introduced on many occasions and is widely known, but it cannot be described without mentioning this masterpiece, which can be said to be the masterpiece of earthenware dishes. The joy of Qianzan ware lies in its refined decorative expression, which is expressed in a refined and elegant manner in the form of a chunky shape, and it is a completely different poetic sentiment from that of Ninsei ware, which is also Kyoyaki ware.
 The base is rich in iron, and a white undercoat is applied from the prospective surface to a portion of the reverse side according to the respective design. On the underside of the dish, the name “Qianzan” is written in a square frame on a white ground, and the bottom of the dish is rounded and exposed to reveal the iron-brown skin of the base. The bottom of the bowl is rounded and exposed, revealing an iron-brown base.

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