Quiver-shaped flower vase with pine, plum and peony design, enamelled Seikanji ware

Quiver-shaped flower vase with pine, plum and peony design, enamelled Seikanji ware
Quiver-shaped flower vase with pine, plum and peony design, enamelled Seikanji ware
Quiver-shaped flower vase with pine, plum and peony design, enamelled Seikanji ware

Height 33.1cm, left and right 13.0cm
Bokusui Art Museum
 On the front of the box lid, Eiraku Wajen wrote “Seikanji-yaki” (Seikanji ware), but it is not clear why he identified it as Seikanji ware. Rather than dismissing it as Seikanji ware, it should be considered koshimizu. This flower vase in the shape of a quiver seems to have been influenced by Ninsei. The back of the vase is clay, and the front and other parts are glazed in a light foliage color. The overglaze paintings of pine, plum, arabesque, and peony arabesques are all done in a spacious manner, suggesting that this is a very early example of this type of koseimizu. It was probably made during the Kanbun Genroku period.
 Hanabiru” with ‘Zengoroshiki (Hanaseki)’ on the back of the lid.

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