Tea bowl with hollyhock crest and design of Hōrai (pine, bamboo, plum,crane and tortoise), enamelled ware

Tea bowl with hollyhock crest and design of Hōrai (pine, bamboo, plum,crane and tortoise), enamelled ware
Tea bowl with hollyhock crest and design of Hōrai (pine, bamboo, plum,crane and tortoise), enamelled ware
Tea bowl with hollyhock crest and design of Hōrai (pine, bamboo, plum,crane and tortoise), enamelled ware

Height 8.1 cm, mouth diameter 12.0-12.6 cm, base diameter 4.8 cm
Fushin Omotesenke
 This tea bowl was handed down to Fushin’an, and on the back of the lid of the box, Ryo Ryozai wrote “Nisei Tea Bowl – Hurrah for New Year’s Day. However, since “Oido Tea Bowl, Genroku first year, Dragon September” is written on the front of the lid, it seems that it was not the original box, but was later placed in an empty box and Ryo ryosai wrote his inscription on it. Since a copy of this tea bowl was later made by Eiraku Conservation, it seems to be a famous tea bowl that was used by Omotesenke as a New Year’s tea bowl every year, and was known among the Omotesenke members. It is unlikely to be made by Ninsei, judging from the yellowish glaze, but Ryōrōsai must have identified it as Ninsei, because the shape and the leaping of the base are similar to the style of Ninsei. There are no markings on the high pedestal.
 The outer surface is decorated on three sides with a crest of three-leaf hollyhocks, and the front is decorated with a pine, bamboo, crane, and turtle design, while the back is decorated with a shimenawa and a hozei design in blue, purple, and gold. Since the Tokugawa family’s crest could not be used without permission in those days, it must have been a tea bowl with a certain history, and it is assumed that the fact that it came to Fushin’an was a receipt from the Kishu Tokugawa family.

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