Hanging flower vase in the shape of a noshi (folded-paper decoration accompanying a congratulatory gift), enamelled ware

Hanging flower vase in the shape of a noshi (folded-paper decoration accompanying a congratulatory gift), enamelled ware
Hanging flower vase in the shape of a noshi (folded-paper decoration accompanying a congratulatory gift), enamelled ware
Hanging flower vase in the shape of a noshi (folded-paper decoration accompanying a congratulatory gift), enamelled ware

Height: 40.9 cm
 This is a large hanging flower vase with a representation of noshi, which is also thought to be Kyoyaki, but its former owner, Mr. Takiharu Yamada, speculated that it was made by Ribei Takamatsu-yaki. However, there is still much confusion between Takamatsu-yaki and Kyo-yaki, so it is included here as Kyo-yaki for the time being. The elaborate colorful design also conveys the taste of Kyo-yaki ware of the early Edo period. The back of the pot shows clay, and there is a hanging hole in the upper part.

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