Flower vessel with yukiwa (snow crystal roundels) and tortoise shell design, enamelled were

Flower vessel with yukiwa (snow crystal roundels) and tortoise shell design, enamelled were
Flower vessel with yukiwa (snow crystal roundels) and tortoise shell design, enamelled were
Flower vessel with yukiwa (snow crystal roundels) and tortoise shell design, enamelled were

Height 4.2cm, Length 24.4cm
Gyokusui Art Museum
 This vase also represents a booklet, and was probably used as a hanging vase, as it has a circular hole in the center. The front shows a snow-wreath and tortoiseshell design, with a strip of white ground on the left side and the inscription “tsurezuregusa” on it. The back is clay with an inscription on the bottom that shows the character for “Kotobuki” (longevity) in the shape of a fan.

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