Sue ware: bird-shaped vase

Sue ware, bird-shaped vase
Sue ware: bird-shaped vase
Sue ware: bird-shaped vase

Excavated from Takamiya-cho Tumulus, Takada-gun, Hiroshima
7th century
Height 8.4cm
 Hiroshima University Archaeology LaboratoryThere are two periods in which so-called “bird-shaped” vases, in which the body of a certain type of vase is deformed, appear: the latter half of the 5th century and the 7th century. The former is a deformed body of a flat bottle, and is found throughout Japan. The latter is a flat bottle with a deformed body and a mouth neck resembling a bird’s head, and has been widely found in the Chugoku region, especially in Hiroshima Prefecture, since the end of the 6th century. Flat clay plates were pasted on both sides and the tail to represent wings. The upper surface and the breast part are decorated with painted twilled cedar patterns to represent bird feathers.

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