Sue ware: rectangular cup

Sue ware, rectangular cup
Sue ware: rectangular cup
Sue ware: rectangular cup

From Senbikiyotokuji burial mound, Seki-shi, Gifu
6th century
Height 18.2cm, mouth diameter 9.0cm, bottom diameter 1.7cm
 This is an imitation of the so-called “horn cup,” in which the horns of animals were used as liquid containers, and its origin can be found in Silla ware. In Japan, they are relatively few in number and seem to date only to the first half of the 6th century. Two rectangular cups, one large and one small, were excavated from the Shishizuka burial mound in Fukui Prefecture. The lower half of the cups have been adjusted by shaving, and holes for string threading have been drilled toward the side edges or the bottom. They were probably hung upside down.

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