Sue ware: wide-mouthed jar with vessel base

Sue ware, wide-mouthed jar with vessel base
Sue ware: wide-mouthed jar with vessel base
Sue ware: wide-mouthed jar with vessel base

Excavated from Nishinomiyama Tumulus, Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture
6th century
Height (jar) 29.1 cm (vessel base) 44.5 cm
Kyoto National Museum
 This is a typical combination of a wide-mouthed jar and a high cup-shaped vessel base from the early 6th century.
 The wide-mouthed jar has a large trumpet-shaped opening at the neck of the mouth, and is decorated with two rows of double chink lines with a wavy pattern filling the spaces between the lines. The base of the jar has a large base and is openworked on all four sides with a five-tiered watermark. The wide-mouthed jar is made of a dense gray base and is extremely well finished, with a dark green natural glaze from the neck to the shoulder and some cobalt coloring, making it an impressive piece. It is well finished and has a grayish-black luster.

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