Engraved, 2nd year of Jishou era (1178)
Height 24.0cm, Diameter 22.2cm
Important Cultural Property
Seigiji Temple
The inscription on the exterior of the cylindrical outer container reads, “Keihaku Doushiin Nyobo Kyozutsu Ikkuchi Yushin Tame Kyougo Sonrei Dereki Shikishi Tonsho Bodhi Shikishi Irinyo Ri Keihaku” (The purpose of its construction, the names of its owner and builder are given). The Fujii Shigeshige shown here is the same Fujii Shigeshige who is inscribed on a tile inscription thought to have been excavated from Komachi Mound, and is known to have been a resident of Irago who was involved in the production of sutra tubes and kawarakoten.