Seto ware: Tea caddy of taikai

Seto ware: Tea caddy of taikai
Seto ware: Tea caddy of taikai
Seto ware: Tea caddy of taikai

15th century
Height 4.9cm, Bowl diameter 5.0cm, Body diameter 8.4cm, Bottom diameter 3.9cm
 This tea caddy with a flattened, strongly puffed chest is called a “oomi” tea caddy, and together with hagashirazu, it is a later type of Kosedo tea caddy. Compared to other types of tea caddies, most of them are large in size. This tea caddy is said to have been excavated from the Hinoki kiln, but this is not clear. It is made of so-called grandmother baiko clay, which has a high iron content, and is an exquisite piece that has been ground extremely thin. The iron glaze is a bright reddish-brown color with black spots in some places, showing a varied glaze tone. The concave surface of the body has a blackish color, and this has the effect of strengthening the entire body. This is one of the best examples of oumi tea caddies.

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