Seto ware: ribbed jar, ash glaze.

Seto ware: ribbed jar, ash glaze.
Seto ware: ribbed jar, ash glaze.
Seto ware: ribbed jar, ash glaze.

14th century
Height 20.4 cm, mouth diameter 11.5 cm, body diameter 21.6 cm, bottom diameter 10.5 cm
 This small, wide-mouthed jar has an upright oral section and is nearly spherical in shape.
 A triangular clay cord is affixed to the vessel, from which three pairs of bands are affixed to the lower half of the vessel on all four sides to decorate the vessel’s surface. This type of butt-glaze technique is common in various types of vessels of the late Kamakura period and does not seem to be related to kai as in the former case. The ash glaze is applied evenly over the entire surface, but it has a brownish tinge, probably due to the fact that it has been handed down on the ground for a long time.

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